Portfolio 2022
The portfolio project was built in 2022, and showcasing the projects that I have done. The project was created using NextJS, which provides numerous benefits such as improved performance, better SEO, and simplified development.
EmotionJS, a CSS-in-JS library is used to create a scalable and maintainable styling solution for the project. EmotionJS enables developers to write CSS styles in JavaScript, allowing for more dynamic and responsive styling while also reducing the need for separate CSS files.
Borders in the page are utilizing polygon clippath, to achieve a high degree of customization, allowing for each border to be unique and tailored to the specific content it is surrounding.

Aleph Labs Site
In 2022, I had the opportunity to contribute significantly to the redesign of the Aleph main website. As a main contributor to the project, I was responsible for more than 50% of the code that was developed.
One of the key contributions I made was pushing the team to use the NextJS framework for the website redesign. I believed that NextJS could provide many benefits for the project, and by advocating for its use, I was able to help the team streamline the development process and make it easier to build the new website.
Additionally, I was involved in setting up the base file structure for the project. This was a crucial task that laid the foundation for the rest of the development work. By doing this, I ensured that the project was well-organized and easy to work on and setting the proper direction for the project to be built on.

Pokemon Sleep Research Community
Pokemon Sleep Research Community a place to share their ID and add each other.
The aim of this project is a:
1. A place to find other researchers easily.
2. Easy to copy and paste Pokemon Sleeper IDs.
3. Keeping track of the id you have copied.
Over 100 users has shared their IDs on this site.

Journal GPT
Integrated GPT into Daily Journals for Alephians.
Animated SVG
Creating animated SVG with any word using GSAP.
Built with Next13 RSC with Tailwind.